C'est le nuit
So this are the pictures from two nights ago, hope you all had a great time!. I was a little pissed because some friend of mine upload some pictures from my camera into her facebook... yeah it was my fault i thought she just wanted to have them on a disc so she can later print them.
But well she upload them, plus she was a major biatch ignorant when I nicely told her to put them down , but she just didn't. Sometimes people don't have respect for others people things, yeah i call my picture things. I wasn't just taking pictures for fun!, well it is fun but... you know what I mean!. Plus she was like what should I take those pictures of? B! I took them!, but whatever getting pissed for this kind of people its NOT WORTH IT!.

I had a great night, hope you all did so ENJOY!

New Moon!

Ok, ok so I'm another Twilight snooper, and what are you going to do about it?. I love the gay phrases my platonic lover Edward uses and how difficult Bella is. ( OMG, I can believe I just wrote that)... Anyways ever wonder who was going to substitute the great song from Paramore?, well call the Hipster's to do so!. Death Cab for Cutie has launch the theme song "Meet me on the Equinox" a week ago, today we have the video:

pd. did you know they offer them a five hour premiere of the movie for their development of the song and they turned it down? sooooooooo STUPID!

Halloween Costume Options...
Ok, so this is my first thought for my Halloween Costume!
I will love to be... Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill !
Yeiiii, I'm sooo excited, what do u guys think? Do you like it?
Let's Make it a Happy Day!

I was given this really cool book, so many illustrations by this amazing young artists. So i just remmember of this french graffiti girl, Fafi, I want to share with you. She's like the ultimate IT girl for designing, she even got hooked by Lesportsac to launch some bags with her "Fafinettes" as the main entreé of the bag designs, also M.A.C launch her makeup line with her. Anyways you get the picture of how important she is for the design world after all her achievments. Plus doesn't she make you want to get some pounds on the bod and rock the curves like a true Fafinette!? ( to bad it just won't go into my chest and butt like one, ha!)


I'm Sorry You guys 3 post's in September really SUCK!, but don't everybody has one of those days that you just don't feel like writing?

Ha! what a lame excuse im giving, but NO MORE EXCUSES FOR OCTOBER!

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